>> Sounds like we're on our way to reinventing S/MIME. Other than the >> key signing and distribution (which I agree is a major can of worms) >> it works remarkably well. > >Which sounds kind of like, "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?" Yes, and no. PGP and S/MIME each have their own key distribution problems. With PGP, it's easy to invent a key, and hard to get other people's software to trust it. With S/MIME it's harder to get a key, but once you have one, the software is all happy. The MUAs I use (Thunderbird, Alpine, Evolution) support S/MIME a lot better than they support PGP. There's typically a one key command or a button to turn signing and encryption on and off, and they all automagically import the certs from on incoming mail. R's, John