-- Casey Farrell shem_waw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ----- Original message ----- From: Casey Farrell <shem_waw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: wine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Fred MacMurray's Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 08:21:21 -0700 -- Casey Farrell, designer/author 1824 Rancho Nicasio, CA shem_waw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx RE: Fred MacMurray's favorite pasttime I thoroughly eenjoyed this Sunday's Chronicle WINE section (and the rest of the paper, too!) but was wondering while I came across various announcements if anyone at The Chron remembers what Fred MacMurray's hobby was? He enjoyed rewriting newscopy in BRITIC ( a phonetic spelling system) which had been a fad in England after WWII. And all that great material yesterday out of which to create a sampler, I am sure he would have typed up these- SUNQMU TREFEXEN STAGZ LIIP LWWIS MARTINI MAWNT VIIDUR WINDZUR QKVIL RUXURFURD IAWNTVIL BQIW MONDOVI GALQ GURNVIL TCIIZ BIIF BRED SALUD OLIV OIL etc The point is that spelling reform, which is the cheapest and best renovator of any economy...has yet to occur in the USA. It occured in Germany while the war raged; the German script was changed over from Gothic to Roman. Very dramatic. The changes necessary for recalibration of ENGLISH & FRENCH spelling ( didn't I mention that? Sorry, FRENCH is also 'skewed'!) are easy and can be done right now with practiically any alternative spelling system. The only resistors have always been the corporate 'brand name' holders who do not understand the legal difference between LOGO & TRADEMARK in the first place... but it is a legitimate question...what happens if I change the spelling? (but it is pronounced the same) You'll then be "Kosher"! Others who've enjoyed this hobby (civic betterment) include Ben Franklin, Mark Twain, President Teddy Roosevelt, G, B, Shaw, Claire Trevor, Paul Harvey, Linda Darnel, WIlliam Barnes, Prince Lucien Bonaparte, Piaf, Mary Austen, Jack London, Lola Montez, Jackie Gleason, Clifton Webb, Dr. Sun Yet Sen, President Thomas Jefferson, Allen Ginsberg, Mary Pickford & Rosalind Russell. The savings in time & materials when switiching over to a phontic spelling was shown by the 1918 Bloshevik Inner Committee to be an austounding 35% reduction just in the use of newspaper ink! With TEXTING it is thought that 'virtually free' NEW MEDIA will create a revenue stream that will produce what will be needed for our Social Security payments in the near future. Casey Farrell -- http://www.fastmail.fm - The professional email service -- http://www.fastmail.fm - Faster than the air-speed velocity of an unladen european swallow