If the WG/session chairs did not receive the slides at least a few days prior to the meeting, then it is really hard for the WG chairs to make sure that the slides support a discussion, rather than a presentation. Given that we have meetings on Friday morning, and some people are very busy during the week, and travel time can be 24h for some trips, asking that the chair has received the slides *a week* before the WG session, being Friday morning, seems to actually be cutting it really close. If a discussion leader can not get some slides into the WG chairs' inbox by the Friday morning before the IETF meeting, then I question whether the WG chair should give them any time. -- ] Never tell me the odds! | ipv6 mesh networks [ ] Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works | network architect [ ] mcr@xxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.sandelman.ca/ | ruby on rails [