At 3:54 PM -0700 3/11/13, Dan Harkins wrote:
Do you feel that an all-female group is stupider than a similarly sized group that is equal parts male and female?
Based on my own experience, I believe that a broad range of background and experience improves the quality of decision making of a group. This is not to say that administering a standardized IQ test to a group would result in outcomes predictable by gender diversity of the group. But it is to say that, for example, having some people with implementation experience is a good thing in protocol design discussions.
We've been veering into narrow discussions of race and gender diversity, but earlier messages in this thread discussed diversity along other lines, for example, type of employer (large, small, equipment vendor, university) and operational experience with networks in different geographic regions. Let's not fall into a rat-hole of narrow considerations of diversity.
-- Randall Gellens Opinions are personal; facts are suspect; I speak for myself only -------------- Randomly selected tag: --------------- [C]reativity [requires] the discomfort of confusion, uncertainty, anxiety and ambiguity. --Jeff Mauzy and Richard Harriman, in 'Creativity Inc.'