The desires of the IETF community

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I'll list the properties sought as:

 (i)   Open

 (ii)  Fair

There will be sessions at IETF 86 where anyone can say whatever he or she wishes. That takes care of the first property.
It is not possible to determine what is fair.  Each and everyone has 
to decide for himself/herself.  However, it is unfair for the 
individuals on NomCom 2012, the IAB, the IESG and the candidates as 
their actions are constrained by rules or practices.  What if there 
is an environment where the individuals can interact in good faith 
while taking BCP 10 into consideration?
NomCom 2012 has to get an understanding of the IETF community's 
consensus of the qualifications required.  There isn't any rule which 
restricts NomCom from having a session at IETF 86 to listen to the 
desires of the IETF community.  There isn't any rule which restricts 
individuals who happen to be on NomCom 2012 from asking clarifying 
question.  There isn't any rule which restricts individuals who 
happen to be on the IAB from asking clarifying questions.  There 
isn't any rule which restricts individuals who are candidates from 
asking clarifying questions.
Once NomCom 2012 has an understanding of the qualifications required 
it can talk to any possible candidate, even if the person is not on 
the current list.  Note that NomCom 2012 does not have to disclose 
the qualities which it will consider to select a candidate.
If the NomCom 2012 concludes that there isn't any confirmed candidate 
yet it can announce that.  After all, it is not a surprise to anyone 
to hear that there isn't any confirmed candidate at the 
moment.  NomCom 2012 can also report the difficulties it encountered 
The TSVAREA session can then be used to discuss about the 
difficulties and how IESG operations will be affected.
I attempted to separate two questions, qualifications required and 
what to do about the position.  As I don't have much time to write 
this message I may be missing some points.
S. Moonesamy

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