>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Barnes <rbarnes@xxxxxxx> writes: Richard> The security considerations in this document are difficult Richard> to evaluate because the general architecture is unclear to Richard> me, e.g., who attaches these names to things and who reads Richard> them. (The naming scheme itself seems well defined.) The Richard> text that causes me concern is the following: " These names Richard> MUST NOT be used for attributes issued by a party other Richard> than one closely associated with the source of credentials Richard> unless the source of credentials is re-asserting these Richard> attributes. " The use of "MUST NOT" here implies that the Richard> intent is for the application reading attributes to have Richard> assurance that they are "closely associated with the Richard> source". However, the application has no way of verifying Richard> whether this MUST NOT has been adhered to, so the entity Richard> setting names is trusted in this regard. The document Richard> should note this, and the corresponding risk that the namer Richard> will break this MUST NOT. This risk is hard for the reader Richard> to evaluate because (AFAICT) the document doesn't specify Richard> who sets names in this system. (Passive voice considered Richard> harmful.) I'd like to push back on this. Text was adding in 05 making it clear that in designing mechanisms specifications we need to enforce that MUST not. The full paragraph in question is as follows: These names MUST NOT be used for attributes issued by a party other than one closely associated with the source of credentials unless the source of credentials is re-asserting the attributes. For example, a source of credentials can consult whatever sources of attributes it chooses, but acceptors can assume attributes in the federated context are from the source of credentials. This requirement is typically enforced in mechanism specifications. For example [I-D.ietf-abfab-aaa-saml] provides enough information thatwe know the attributes it carries today are in the federated context. Similarly, we know that the requirements of this paragraph are met by SAML mechanisms where the assertion is the means of authentication. I actually think that's reasonably easy to analyze and that we're in the process of doing the analysis for draft-ietf-abfab-aaa-saml and have done the analysis for other mechanisms.