Hi Dave,
At 23:02 03-06-2012, Dave Crocker wrote:
In effect, the wiki construct becomes a form of
incrementally-updatable internet draft. For documents involving
procedures rather than products, this well might be a better working
base than I-Ds...
It's more of an experiment. If it is a success someone gets all the
glory by turning it into an I-D. If the experiment fails the people
who have put in the effort will have wasted their time.
I would look at this in terms of the tool used for a collaborative
effort. It is left to the community to decide whether further
changes are needed for the output to reflect consensus.
That is, perhaps what makes this workable is imposing an editor role
onto the wiki and assign responsibility for monitoring changes to
the editors? (It might even be worth integrating it into the rest
of the I-D administration environment?)
There is a Trac plugin for email notifications.
I am not thinking of the integration part as it requires more than a
lightweight effort. Eliot pointed out that there is a socialization
problem. Who knows, may be the collaborative effort might help.