On Apr 30, 2012, at 5:03 PM, Ofer Inbar wrote: > This PBS interview with Harvey Mudd president Maria Klawe, on the > subject of why fewer women go into tech & engineering fields, is > worth watching: > > http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/video/blog/2012/04/college_president_discusses_wo.html This is a discussion that comes up periodically. If you want my opinion (nobody asked, but I will presume that someone is wondering), the corollary is "why aren't more students interested in math/science?". I'll observe that there are relatively few teachers that I can say "inspired" me to think their their directions; far-too-many years later, I could probably name them. Two were English teachers, one was a Math teacher, tenth grade geometry, one taught 7th grade Geography, and one taught senior Calculus. And, oh, I liked some of my college profs, but in this context my views were probably formed before I got there. What if teachers were measured on a survey at the end of a semester or a year that asked "does teacher <> make <> interesting to you?".