At 22:47 20-09-2011, Olaf Kolkman wrote:
For the IAOC and IAB these will be difficult
challenges that cannot be enforced externally
but also need an evolutionary culture change.
Not only in the I* bodies themselves but also how the NOMCOM.
The IAOC has been around for six years. The IESG
has been around for 25 years and the IAB for 27
years. Half of IESG and IAB are picked by the
community each year. As this is the IETF, it's a
bit more complicated than that (see NomCom). The
community only have a say on one quarter of the IAOC.
The current NomCom looks like an inverted image
of NomCom from a cultural perspective. NomCom
will make a safe bet this year. If the community
wants to force an IAOC change, it would have to
be done by BCP. In a way, the draft is attempting to do that.
The comments posted by Roger Jørgensen are more
interesting than the politics surrounding the
change. He mentioned being "a bit more confused
after this thread". It took 20 years for the
IETF to take control over its administrative
operations. The functions cover setting meeting
fees, deciding how far you should fly to attend a
meeting, deciding on how to prevent the IETF from being sued, etc.
It is unlikely that an evolutionary culture
change will come from within the IAOC. Being
kicked by the ARSE is not an evolutionary change. :-)
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