Hi Jim,
I think you are commenting on the wrong document. You probably meant
to comment on draft-housley-cms-content-constraints-extn whose last call
period ended on April 19th.
On 10-05-06 12:06 AM, Jim Schaad wrote:
I have the following comments on this document
1. I find the following statement ambiguous:
CCC is not used to constrain MIME encapsulated data, i.e., MIME
wrapping layers are not processed with regard to CCC.
I do not know if this means that processing is to stop at a MIME
encapsulation layer, or if it means that the id-data content type cannot be
constrained. (Or perhaps both meanings are correct.) IF the first is meant
I would suggest "CCC processing stops when a MIME encapsulation layer is
encountered." If the second is meant then it should say "CCC cannot be used
to constrain the creation of the id-data content type."
2. It is my personal opinion that the algorithm as described is overly
confusing. I was able to fully understand the procedure only by interacting
with the authors and not from the document. While there have been some
changes to the text since that time, I do not believe that the basic
problems with making the algorithm clear have been addressed in the
document. I did supply what I considered to be a much simpler version of
the algorithm to the authors, but they decided not to make the changes that
I outlined in my suggested text.
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