After a number of comments from the floor at last Wednesday's IETF plenary, Russ
Housely suggested forming an effort to work on "virtual meeting" capabilities,
beyond the audio broadcast / jabber participation mode that the IETF current
supports. Some unknown, external force raised my hand, when Russ asked for a
volunteer to the lead the effort.
There is now a mailing list to support discussion of this topic:
The purpose of the activity is to:
Explore, specify and develop improved services for remotely participating
in IETF meetings. Look for eventually supporting virtual meetings that have no
physical venue. A modest form of a virtual meeting is a small-group conference
call, such as regularly conducted by the IESG, IAB and IAOC.
The state of the art -- and more importantly, the state of the product and
service industry -- is quite advanced. So I view this as an effort in
pragmatics. If there is any software development, it should be limited to
Please join the list and join the effort to add incrementally better remote
participation services for IETF meetings.
Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking