On Wed Mar 11 09:44:42 2009, Dearlove, Christopher (UK) wrote:
>> Putting aside whether I could buy such a machine, and assuming
>> taking it out of the US would be OK policy-wise (that I'd have
>> to check, I suspect it's within the letter but not the spirit
>> of the policy) as soon as it's outside the US it's a company
>> machine I couldn't take back in. Puchasing a laptop per trip
>> is not very economic.
>Although many consider the UK to be verging on a socialist state
>(don't worry, the US is gaining on you), I wasn't aware that simply
>arriving in the country with personal property automatically
>such personal property to one's employer. That's pretty scary!
I was assuming I wanted my employer to pay. If they do, they own the
machine. Right now buying a new computer isn't my plan, cheap though
they may be in the US.
As an aside, owning your own computer, as the tool of your trade, is
very much more inline with Marxist philosophy than having one
supplied to you, and as such, Dean Willis is obviously a pinko
subversive for suggesting such a thing.
Dave Cridland - mailto:dave@xxxxxxxxxxxx - xmpp:dwd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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