Several people have written on this thread that they might not participate
in this experiment because they either won't have an IPv6 stack or that
they're unwilling to experiment with the network settings on their PCs.
I'll suggest that those people can double their experimental fun in a very
low risk way by booting a live linux distribution during the experiment.
For those people who may be unfamiliar with this, look at this Wikipedia
entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LiveDistro
I burned a few CDs today and got the following results:
- Ubuntu boots with IPv4 and IPv6 active. It also has several
applications which may be good for testing: web browser, ssh, pidgin
(with XMPP for jabber), and Ekiga softphone.
- Mandriva booted without activating the network ports. A few clicks
activated them and it appeared to enable IPv6. Similar applications
as above with kopete but I didn't immediately spot a softphone.
- Fedora booted with IPv4 enabled. I couldn't activate IPv6 by just
clicking on things. ymmv
Best regards,
On Fri, 28 Dec 2007, Frank Ellermann wrote:
TS Glassey wrote:
FWIW I have run into many people using down-rev laptop's for whom
Microsoft's v6 implementation isn't ever going to be installed.
See http://research.microsoft.com/msripv6/msripv6.htm - I found
that via Jordi's http://www.ipv6-to-standard.org/ link. Apparently
an experimental IPv6 stack for NT and W2K.
For Phil's problem, products sold in Europe should survive 750 days,
14 months is too short. Sent over a 12 years old USR Courier... ;-)