>>>>> "Hallam-Baker," == Hallam-Baker, Phillip <pbaker@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: Hallam-Baker,> The two types of wiggle room that experience has Hallam-Baker,> taught me to be highly undesirable are: Hallam-Baker,> 1) Wiggle room of the form 'our terms are as good Hallam-Baker,> as RANDZ' when what is being offered is going to Hallam-Baker,> require licensing for significant classes of Hallam-Baker,> implementation, for example: Hallam-Baker,> A Terms that preclude commercial implementation Hallam-Baker,> B Terms that effectively preclude open source C Hallam-Baker,> Terms that preclude particular types of open source Hallam-Baker,> license D Terms that allow certain uses but allow Hallam-Baker,> the IPR holder to reserve certain key use types Hallam-Baker,> such as providing essential services. Hallam-Baker,> 2) Wiggle room of the type 'customary RANDZ terms Hallam-Baker,> are not acceptable from you because' Hallam-Baker,> A We don't like your company and want to make Hallam-Baker,> life difficult for you B We have discovered a Hallam-Baker,> theological objection to the customary terms C We Hallam-Baker,> lost a debate in another forum and would like to Hallam-Baker,> reopen it D We have a technical objection and will Hallam-Baker,> use this as a veto I agree that these types of discussions happen and are almost always bad ideas. _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf