Almost independent of the IPv6 autoconfig issues, I find it
deeply troubling that we seem to be unable to both
* get the ducks lined up to run IPv6 fully and smoothly,
with and without local/auto config.
* get a DHCP arrangement (IPv4 and, for those who want
to use it, IPv6) that performs reliably, consistently,
and largely invisibly (if I have to worry about what a
DHCP server is doing, it isn't working well).
and have both of those working seamlessly no later than Sunday
afternoon of the meeting.
In my case, I found the IPv6 support at IETF69 better than most past
IETF meetings.
It was also interesting to open the Mac network control pannel,
enable my Airport (WLAN) interface, and see the IPv6 global address
appear almost instantaneously and in many case having to wait many
seconds to minutes for DHCP provided IPv4 address to appear.