Your (c) criterion implies that a BCP-like mechanism is not acceptable.
Here, the difference between BCP -- with its IETF-wide appoval -- versus
ION -- with is IESG approval -- is at least an interesting distinction.
On the other hand, this particular draft is, if anything, likely to
demonstrate why IETF-wide approval is a particularly good idea, since its
goal is to hold IESG members accountable to more stringent criteria than
are currently in force for blocking approval of working group output. In
addition the particular criteria listed in the -discuss draft contain a
number of items that reasonably could be viewed as too stringent, too
lenient, too vague, too low-level, or the like. The public process of
gaining community consensus seems important for the credibility of the
IETF process.
Just a side note here - I can't remember which IETF it was, but this draft
was presented to the Working Group Chairs continuing education lunch so long
ago that the presenters were Allison Mankin, Jon Peterson, and Margaret
Wasserman, so the possibilities are IETF 65 in Dallas or earlier, and at
that time, the IESG was using the criteria in some version of the draft as
the definition of an allowable DISCUSS in balloting.
As one of the IESG narrative scribes, I hear ADs referring to these criteria
fairly often on telechats (probably an average of every six weeks or so, but
the timing is only my impression).
So, some version of this critera has been "currently in force" for a while
Dave is probably correct that the specific criteria are of broader interest
than just ADs, WG chairs, editors, and process wonks, and might become even
more perfect with broader review, but that's another issue.
And, since the criteria are public, I'm sure the IESG would be interested in
feedback on the criteria, especially now that WGs and editors have more than
a year of experience interacting with IESG under these rules of engagement.
That URL, again, is