This is a Last Call for feedback on Version 02 proposed 2008 - 2010 IETF
Meeting dates. The IAOC anticipates taking action to formally adopt
dates on 1 June. These dates differ from the version 01 dates based upon
community feedback, a review of meeting dates of those organizations on
the Clash List and maintenance of a reasonably similar period between
While every effort was made to avoid conflicts where known, it was not
always possible with those organizations in the "should avoid" category
and on many occasions the IETF meetings are back to back with the IEEE
Plenaries. Future location decisions will take into consideration the
location of other organization meetings with which the community
interacts. Your feedback to iad@xxxxxxxx on conflicts with these dates
would be appreciated.
Proposed 2008 - 2010 meeting dates:
IETF 71 Mar 23 - 28
IETF 72 Jul 27 - Aug 1
IETF 73 Nov 16 - 21
IETF 74 Mar 22 - 27
IETF 75 Jul 26 - 31
IETF 76 Nov 8 - 13
IETF 77 Mar 21 - 26
IETF 78 Jul 25 - 30
IETF 79 Nov 7 - 12
The schedules of other organization's meetings as known can be found at:
Thanks for your continuing assistance.
Ray Pelletier