You think that is bad - try going by your legal Middle Name.
Do you know how many systems require a first name and a middle
initial... Instead of the other way around
F. William "Bill" Strahm
Bob O'Hara (boohara) wrote:
Hear! Hear!
I also suffer the indignity of having the system "correct" the spelling
of my last name by changing the capitalization.
-Bob O'Hara (or O'hara as the registration system tells me is correct)
-----Original Message-----
From: Iljitsch van Beijnum [mailto:iljitsch@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 5:18 AM
To: IETF Discussion
Subject: cApitalization
A small annoyance, but annoying nonetheless:
At previous IETF meetings I had to suffer forced capitalization of my
name so that "van Beijnum" became "Van Beijnum". Now it's even worse:
"Van beijnum".
Can the IETF registration processing software please be instructed
that IETF attendees are generally capable of applying and not
applying the shift key as per their requirements and preferences?