John, Thanks for the feedback. Responses in line. John C Klensin wrote: As the opening paragraph for the page ( ) states:Ray, I don't know if there are other problems, but the list appears to have not been kept up to date: The information below has been submitted to the IETF Secretariat as a means of notifying readers of future events. Readers are requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate for this calendar section. Please send submissions, corrections, etc., to: meeting-planning@xxxxxxxx We are not staffed to monitor others' calendars and rely on others to submit and correct data Correct. Needs to be updated.* IETF 66 appears to have a location, but the calendar does not show it (we can't blame another organization for not telling us about that one). As I announced on May 3rd, IETF 68 will be in Europe - unless, as for IETF 67, we cannot find a suitable and financially satisfactory venue.I could go on, but perhaps that makes the point. While those schedules are earlier than any you have asked about, locations are an issue in whether or not conflicts occur and I hope coordination (not merely looking at calendars) is occurring with organizations with whom avoiding conflicts is critical. Again taking a near-term example, the time-adjacency of the ICANN meeting last March 26-31 with IETF 64 from the 19th-24th would have been a major inconvenience were they in the same part of the world; when one was in Dallas, TX, USA and the other in Wellington, NZ, the times turn into a conflict. I notice that we have IETF 68 marked 18-23 March 2006, location TBD, and ICANN 26-30 March, location "Europe". Are you endeavoring to assure that they are at least on the same or adjacent continents? They are on "Should Avoid" list, ,which was adopted by the IAOC after input from the IESG and WG Chairs. Recommendations regarding that list can be made to iad@xxxxxxxx.Moving out into the 2008 time frame, I see similar adjacencies between ANSI T11 and IETF 71 and again between T11 and IETF 72 and 73 (in all three cases, adjacent dates, neither location announced, but it is a safe bet that T11 will meet in North America). I don't know whether T11 is on your "must avoid" or "should avoid" lists or whether there are similar relationships going forward. ICANN is on the "Must Avoid" list and their known dates and any feedback have been and will be considered for this proposed calendar.Personally, I consider avoiding conflicts, or even close adjacencies, with ICANN to be of higher priority than most or all other bodies because they are, as far as I know, the only to which IETF formally appoints a Board Liaison and a voting Nomcom member, and on which we are dependent for critical services (the IANA function). I agree. In the 3 May announcement Europe, North America/Asia, and North America/Asia were identified for the 3 meetings in 2007. I believe we can identify target continents for 2008 - 2010 as well - of course, implementation will be subject to identifying and closing on financially acceptable, suitable venues with appropriate Hosts.But, if we are going to have back-to-back meetings with any critical group (or, IMO, with the same group three times in a row), dates are not quite good enough to know whether conflicts exist. best, Ray regards, john --On Wednesday, 17 May, 2006 06:58 -0400 Ray Pelletier <rpelletier@xxxxxxxx> wrote:All; This is a 1 week Last Call for feedback on Version 01 proposed 2008 - 1010 IETF Meeting dates. The IAOC anticipates taking action to formally adopt dates on 25 May 2006. These dates differ from the originally proposed dates based upon community feedback, a review of meeting dates of those organizations on the Clash List and maintenance of a reasonably similar period between meetings. While every effort was made to avoid conflicts where known, it was not always possible with those organizations in the "should avoid" category. Your feedback to iad@xxxxxxxx on conflicts with these dates would be appreciated. Proposed 2008 - 2010 meeting dates: 2008 IETF 71 Mar 30 - Apr 4 IETF 72 Jul 27 - Aug 1 IETF 73 Dec 7 - 12 2009 IETF 74 Mar 22 - 27 IETF 75 Aug 2 - 7 IETF 76 Dec 6 - 11 2010 IETF 77 Mar 28 - Apr 2 IETF 78 Jul 25 - 30 IETF 79 Dec 5 - 10 Our findings of the schedule of other organization's meetings can be found at: . Thanks for your assistance. Ray Pelletier IAD _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx |
_______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx