I'll break out the most substantial comments in separate messages..
On Mon, 14 Nov 2005, The IESG wrote:
The IESG has received a request from the Dynamic Host Configuration WG to
consider the following documents:
- 'A DNS RR for Encoding DHCP Information (DHCID RR) '
<draft-ietf-dnsext-dhcid-rr-10.txt> as a Proposed Standard
- 'Resolution of FQDN Conflicts among DHCP Clients '
<draft-ietf-dhc-ddns-resolution-10.txt> as a Proposed Standard
- 'The DHCP Client FQDN Option '
<draft-ietf-dhc-fqdn-option-11.txt> as a Proposed Standard
- 'The DHCPv6 Client FQDN Option '
<draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-fqdn-03.txt> as a Proposed Standard
I have only one major comment on DHCID on its use of MD5 as a
glued-in hash-function. The rest of the comments are rather
In order to avoid exposing potentially sensitive identifying
information, the data stored is the result of a one-way MD5 [5] hash
computation. The hash includes information from the DHCP client's
REQUEST message as well as the domain name itself, so that the data
stored in the DHCID RR will be dependent on both the client
identification used in the DHCP protocol interaction and the domain
name. This means that the DHCID RDATA will vary if a single client
is associated over time with more than one name. This makes it
difficult to 'track' a client as it is associated with various domain
The MD5 hash algorithm has been shown to be weaker than the SHA-1
algorithm; it could therefore be argued that SHA-1 is a better
choice. However, SHA-1 is significantly slower than MD5. A
successful attack of MD5's weakness does not reveal the original data
that was used to generate the signature, but rather provides a new
set of input data that will produce the same signature. Because we
are using the MD5 hash to conceal the original data, the fact that an
attacker could produce a different plaintext resulting in the same
MD5 output is not significant concern.
==> while the informatione exposure of someone cracking the MD5 hash
is not too huge, I believe it is unacceptable to design new protocols
without the capability to switch the hash function as need be. This
could be achieved for example by reserving one additional byte from
the start of the DHCID record to designate the hash function used.
If you don't bother to define your own registry (for all of me, you
could include MD5 there as well, but at least include SHA1 and
preferably also SHA-256), you could possibly re-use
http://www.iana.org/assignments/ds-rr-types or something like that.
That way, we can introduce new hash functions in a backward compatible
manner later on, with no need to revamp the protocol.
If we don't do this, we'll need to define DHCID2, DHCID3, .. etc.
records further down in the future (w/ different hash functions) and
make DHCP co-exist with all of them. That's bound to cause a lot of
protocol complexity, and I don't think we want to go there.
New DHCID RR type codes are
tentatively assigned after the specification for the associated type
code, published as an Internet Draft, has received expert review by a
designated expert. The final assignment of DHCID RR type codes is
through Standards Action, as defined in RFC 2434 [6].
==> this new RR type code assignment procedure seems to be
underspecified. Is there actually harm in just doing this through
expert review, and giving the expert guidance that at least an I-D
must be published? If so, you could reword this like:
New DHCID RR type codes are assigned through Standards Action or
Expert Review as defined in RFC2434 [6]. The expert should require
sufficient public specification of the new type code.
.. in any case, please use existing RFC2434 mechanism unless you're
absolutely sure those won't fit your needs.
Conflicts can arise if multiple DHCP clients wish to use the same DNS
name. To resolve such conflicts, "Resolution of DNS Name Conflicts"
[1] proposes storing client identifiers in the DNS to unambiguously
associate domain names with the DHCP clients using them.
==> conflicts also occur when multiple nodes use the same FQDN while only a
part of them uses DHCP. So, the above applicability could be reworded,
e.g., like follows:
Conflicts can arise if multiple nodes wish to use the same DNS
name. To resolve such conflicts when the nodes are using DHCP,
"Resolution of DNS Name Conflicts"
[1] proposes storing client identifiers in the DNS to unambiguously
associate domain names with the DHCP clients using them.
3.5. Examples
==> I'd also have liked to see an example of DHCPv6 DHCID generation.
A DHCP server allocating the IPv4 address to a client with
Ethernet MAC address 01:02:03:04:05:06 using domain name
"client.example.com" uses the client's link-layer address to identify
the client.
==> you should probably use RFC3330 documentation prefix here instead of
To resolve such conflicts, "Resolution of DNS Name Conflicts" [1]
proposes storing client identifiers in the DNS to unambiguously
associate domain names with the DHCP clients to which they refer.
==> no refs in the abstract
A set of procedures to allow DHCP [7] clients and servers to
automatically update the DNS (RFC 1034 [3], RFC 1035 [4]) is proposed
in "Resolution of DNS Name Conflicts" [1].
==> also refer DHCPv6 here, please
Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings