Michael StJohns wrote:
> 3.5 Decision review
> In the case where someone questions a decision of the IAD or the
> IAOC, he or she may ask for a formal review of the decision.
> The request for review is addressed to the person or body that made
> the decision. It is up to that body to decide to make a response,
> and on the form of a response.
Yes, but the stuff about decision review in Harald's text is pretty
clear that its the "person" or "body" that's subject to review.
Mike, yes, this text is problematic. But it isn't in the draft.
I don't find the text in the actual -04 draft anywhere near
as problematic, apart from the point I am arguing with Sam in
my previous note.
At 04:10 AM 1/20/2005, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
Michael StJohns wrote:
At a minimum, I'd explicitly prohibit review of the IADs actions
> by any body except the IAOC - direct the review to the IAOC only.
But there is nothing
in draft-ietf-iasa-bcp-04 suggesting that anybody except the IAOC
can review the IAD's actions, and the stuff about decision review
in section 3.4 is explicitly about the IAOC.
It's also very clear
from sections 3.1 and 3.2 that IAD reports to the IAOC. So I
see no need for a text change.