Agreed. Having originated the "footnote" sentence, I'm quite happy with your replacement. I will be looking for the footnotes, of course ;-)
John Loughney wrote:
I think your text is reasonable.
John L.
------------------- Original message ------------------- Subject: Other change needed? #722 - 5.4 - ISOC off-account payment for expenses From: "Harald Tveit Alvestrand" <harald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Time: 01/12/2005 12:10 pm
Bernard Aboba said, and it seems nobody commented:
Section 5.4
" Other ISOC support shall be based on the budget process as specified in Section 6IASA Budget Process. ISOC shall credit the appropriate IASA accounts at least quarterly.
If ISOC pays any other IETF expenses directly, without transferring funds to the IASA, this shall be documented as a footnote to the IASA accounts."
I think we want to state explicitly that any such other ISOC support shall be considered to be an irrevocable donation to the IASA, rather than a debt to ISOC, if and when the Removability clause of Section 7 is invoked.
I think this is too much detail for the BCP, but want to restructure this - the "footnote" paragraph is too much detail too.
I suggest that 5.4 be rephrased as:
5.4 Other ISOC Support
Other ISOC support shall be based on the budget process as specified in Section 6, which includes deciding when ISOC monetary support is to be credited to the IASA accounts.
All ISOC support, no matter how it is delivered, shall be reported in the IASA financial reports.
Note that this removed the rather stilted language of "ISOC shall periodically credit..." - as I mentioned in the "general finances" message, this will in practice only affects the reporting; the money stays in the same set of bank accounts.
What do people think?
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