--On lørdag, januar 01, 2005 18:20:02 -0800 "Glen Zorn (gwz)" <gwz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ha Ha. You (and others) have made the point quite well that the majority of IETFers are probably hardy enough to suffer through the week without actually dying. So what? The real question is why we must suffer at all....
injecting the opinionating with some facts.....
- the dates for future IETF meetings are set in advance, due to extensive arguments by IETFers and other standards organizations that having the IETF schedule their meetings on short notice and against other meetings is a Bad Thing.
- when France Telecom suggested that they could sponsor one of the 2005 IETF meetings, none of the 2005 meetings had sponsors. So they (France Telecom and Foretec) started investigating sponsoring the spring meeting.
- It turned out that at those dates, there were no suitable facilities to be found in places where they wanted to sponsor the meeting. So they moved on to the next meeting - August.
- After some searching, a suitable venue was available in Paris. I received the suggestion (with some alternatives), and said that I found this venue acceptable.
Making IETFers suffer or not because of the weather didn't factor into the equation. Honoring previous promises on dates, getting a sponsor for a non-US meeting, and finding a location that was likely to work for the IETF to get work done did.
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