Scott Bradner wrote:
open from last version
the document says:
August 1: The IAOC approves the budget proposal for IETF purposes,
after any appropriate revisions. As the ISOC President is part of
the IAOC, the IAOC should have a preliminary indication of how the
budget will fit with ISOC's own budgetary expectations. The
budget proposal is passed to the ISOC Board of Trustees for review
in accordance with their fiduciary duty.
this section also implies that the ISOC President/CEO and BoT
have no say in the size of the IETF budget which would not let the ISOC
BoT exercise its fiduciary responsibilities
(i.e. just saying that the ISOC prez will get a hint about a runaway
budget is not enough - the budgets have to fit within economic
reality - it will do no one any good if the budget that gets to
the ISOC BoT gets turned down because it would bankrupt ISOC)
budget development MUST be a cooperative procepss between the ISOC
and the IAD/IAOC it can not be dictated by either party alone
That is certainly true in the real world. The draft could be read to
suggest that the IETF will order up a budget of arbitrary size, which we
all know is not how the real world works. But do we really need to spell
out the iterative process of budget development?