On 3/2/25 1:44 PM, Rob Sayre wrote:
On Sun, Mar 2, 2025 at 6:59 AM Orie <orie@xxxxxxx <mailto:orie@xxxxxxx>>
Based on the discussions here, I have a slight preference to remove
the profiles.
I'd say that it would be better to convince Peter that they are
needed, than myself.
I agree with his comments here: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/
msg/last-call/Mg0w20A0g9qAAh8jYzcaPoBLpuA/ <https://
I am a bit more bitter. What the IETF did here was have the authors
write uselessly general PRECIS profiles (wasting their time). That
doesn't mean PRECIS is bad. It's just that the IETF didn't understand
the problem here, or the solution presented in this draft. I did, even
if I don't agree with everything in the document. I would be even
looser. We don't get the opportunity to nitpick and correct an avalanche.
It's fine to refer to PRECIS and say to consult that for identifiers and
My take is slightly more charitable: as a community, we didn't
understand until this Last Call thread that the document had
fundamentally different aims than the IDNA/PRECIS work . Although
speaking personally I was just being obtuse, it doesn't strike me that
some of the distinctions John highlighted recently are crystal clear in
the document.
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