Why is there a need for a new rule (was: [lamps] PQC Dialogue with Government Stakeholders Side-Meeting at IETF 122 Bangkok)

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Hi Rob,
At 03:02 PM 28-02-2025, Rob Sayre wrote:
So, is everyone there registered? Definitely not, I've seen people write "Snoop Dogg" and things like that.

Why is there a need for a new rule, and why isn't a BCP?

The median attendee usually discloses name and affiliation, e.g. https://registration.ietf.org/115/participants/ From what I understood of a past discussion, there is some verification system nowadays. A name (please see the above example) might trigger additional screening.

A BCP would require community consensus. It's unlikely that there would be anything close to that.

S. Moonesamy

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