[Last-Call] Re: Last Call: <draft-klensin-idna-rfc5891bis-09.txt> (Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA): Registry Restrictions and Recommendations) to Proposed Standard

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On Sat, Feb 15, 2025 at 09:26:27AM +1300,
 Brian E Carpenter <brian.e.carpenter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote 
 a message of 116 lines which said:

> they certainly do not prevent discussion of business models as
> such. Descriptions of use cases are extremely common in IETF
> documents, and those often amount to descriptions of business
> models.

In the current draft, it is not a discussion or a description, but a
strong opinion (automatic and cheap registration = bad,
human-controlled, slow and "careful" registration = good). It is
specially unacceptable in a standards track document. This opinion
about domain name registration has clearly no consensus in the IETF.

> I see analysis of the (presumably unintended) side effects of cheap
> for-profit domain name registration, which is entirely appropriate
> as background for the normative part of the draft.

There is no relationship I see between this "analysis" and the
normative part (which is just section 5).

> The fact that many for-profit registrars allocate domain names
> automatically, with purely mechanical checks, for a very small fee
> that *by construction* excludes any possibility of human judgment is
> a major enabler of confusing and deceptive domain names.

Again, this opinion is not an IETF consensus. My employer had a policy
of checking manually every registration, a long time ago, and
everybody and his cat hated that, and it did not even prevent deception.

> It could perhaps have been stated more explicitly that removing
> human judgment from the registration process has exposed the DNS to
> abuse

Again, experience shows otherwise. We tried it.

> > Another serious issue is that, while it refers to RFC 9499 on domain
> > name and DNS terminology, it creates new definitions (section 4) which
> > are quite vague and do not seem useful for IDNA. I've read the
> > beginning of section 4 with the definitions of "zones operating
> > primarily" and I still don't know where .fr would fit, for
> > instance.
> I don't see any ambiguity in "Zones operating primarily or exclusively
> within a organization, enterprise, or country ...".

You do not mention the rest of the paragraph, which confuses me even

> > The mention of "public domains" is specially confusing. (RFC
> > 9499, section 9, has the proper definitions, which should be used.)
> Rather, I would say, the draft should explicitly use and if necessary
> extend those definitions.

Strong no. RFC 9499 was the result of a serious effort and I see no
need to "extend" it outside of a 9499bis revision.

> But I don't see that the present draft has any duty to provide a
> full threat analysis; illustrative threats are enough to justify
> preemptive counter-measures today.

Strong no again. When you propose things that will limit the
possibilities of the Internet users, you need to back that with a
serious threat analysis.

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