[Last-Call] Artart telechat review of draft-ietf-httpbis-rfc6265bis-19

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Reviewer: Claudio Allocchio
Review result: Ready with Issues

Dear all, I was assigned the ART review for this draft.

The document is close to be ready, however there are some fixes or
clarification in the specification needed.


* it is always quite complex to handle syntax when we engage parsing white
spaces. Along the document the handling is specified in details in many
sections; however, given cookies content often uses "natural language style"
(if I may say so), the issue on how and where to ignore white spaces may lead
to ambiguity: how to we parse something like

? e x a m p l e  ;


I suggest to revise specifically various sections and try to ensure there is no

* security and privacy

it is well known that cookies can be unsecure and pose risk to privacy; the
document reminds often about existing issues, but does not seem to update a lot
the considerations which were there already in the previous version of this
specification. Shall we try to add some more considertions we learned during
the time from the previous specification until this new one? It is not a
blocking issue of course, but I would consider this occasion to do it.

* nits:

update the reference for MAY, SHALL, MUST... to the latest version :-)

* final considerations:

it is a very well done revision of the previous specification, but (it can be
understood) in such a huge documents some final issues should be fixed before
publication; this specification is likely going to be on duty for a long number
of years, before a new update is done.

all the best!

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