Hi, I am taking over processing of draft-vandevenne-shared-brotli-format
[1], which I am AD sponsoring. Extract from the document: Shared Brotli Compressed Data Format draft-vandevenne-shared-brotli-format-10 Abstract This specification defines a data format for shared brotli compression, which adds support for shared dictionaries, large window and a container format to brotli [RFC7932]. Shared dictionaries and large window support allow significant compression gains compared to regular brotli. RFC 7932 is an Informational RFC published as individual in ART area. Additionally, draft-vandevenne-shared-brotli-format is normatively referenced by draft-ietf-httpbis-compression-dictionary, which is an HTTPBIS doc approved for publication.
This is the reason that has motivated me to move forward with
sponsoring Shared Brotli now, to be published as Informational.
It is my understanding that this stream format has been in use for a few years. I am reaching out to encourage and welcome reviews of this document, especially from people with experience in compression. Feel free to reply to me directly or publicly
on this thread, to any of the mailing lists art, witarea or ietf. [1]
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-vandevenne-shared-brotli-format Thanks, Francesca (WIT AD) |