Dear Abdussalam Baryon,
The IAB is writing these kind of statements as part of our responsibility on architectural oversight. Please note that the responsibilities listed in RFC2850 are rather meant to be instructive to the IAB’s role than restrictive. We do not write IAB Statements on request of ISOC, however, we work closely with ISOC on policy-related matters and issue own statements when we believe that we as representatives of a group of technical experts can or should make an additional point beyond the good work ISOC is already doing.
On 22. Dec 2023, at 08:04, Abdussalam Baryun <abdussalambaryun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Comments to IAB members,
IMO, the statement SHOULD be important, but it will be more clear if it defines many related issues which can be different while we use_ietf_standard_technology within different places in the physical_world/virtual_world. IMO the IETF does not work for governments/public_companies/private_companies and not for the UN, so the statement needs to clarify real_reason why is doing this statement and then why IETF is doing Content_Encryptions (if we answer the Why_Qs? we can answer the How_Qs?).
Any statement from IAB MUST be depending on RFC2850, so IAB MUST not add for itself new roles other than what was mentioned in RFC2850 (read section 2 of IAB roles).
While reading your statement , you need clarify, is it within the role of IAB to react to governments_policy_proposals/company_policy_proposals, as you state below in your statement:
This statement is a reaction to recent policy proposals in the [United Kingdom], [European Union], [United States], and other countries that are mandating client-side scans that require access to otherwise end-to-end encrypted content.
Please note for such concerns like that, my understanding is that IAB SHOULD react through the Internet_Society/IETF_community, so did you get a request by ISOC of related regions (UK, EU, US, other) to make this statement to direct those ISOCs concerns?........ If so please reference within the IAB statement those ISOC proposals or requests to make the statement important and within our community procedures.
Best Regards AB