Reviewer: James Gruessing Review result: Ready This is my review of draft-ietf-nfsv4-scsi-layout-nvme-05 as part of ARTART Last Call review. Overall this a short and clear document which I think is ready, however I have only one question: In your security considerations there are two normative statements: > Physical security is a common means for protocols not based on IP. > In environments where the security requirements for the storage > protocol cannot be met, pNFS with an NVMe layout SHOULD NOT be > deployed. > ... > In environments where the security requirements are such that client- > side protection from access to storage outside of the layout is not > sufficient, pNFS with a SCSI layout on a NVMe namespace SHOULD NOT be > deployed. These appear repetitious to RFC 8154, and further are normative statements required here? Whilst physical security considerations are important, do such deployment guidance require it? -- last-call mailing list last-call@xxxxxxxx