--At the plenary this evening there were many comments from the IETF leadership that they welcomed ideas on how to be more inclusive and diverse. Here’s four focusing on meeting attendance. They are rough ideas and need a great deal more development.
When having a meeting, try to get a low-cost housing option as well. Perhaps with limited capacity. Colleges often rent dorms out, or perhaps reserve an entire hostel – that kind of price scale.
Discounted registration for a first-time attendee. Perhaps in coordination with a longer-term IETFer doing a “bring a newcomer” or some such. This might have short-term cost (although maybe not since they wouldn’t attend), but fund the newcomer out of the D&I funding.
Spend time and effort working to resurrect the “local hub” concept from a half-decade ago. Help them set up “viewing parties” that happen during IETF meetings.
Make one of the meetings decentralized. Held simultaneously in multiple places around the globe. Getting the logistics and timezones equitable will be hard, but it would also greatly reduce our CO2 usage.
117attendees mailing list
I think three meetings are enough to make it more affordable, and also to look into the more affordable cities/venues.
On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 8:41 AM Salz, Rich <rsalz=40akamai.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: