On 17 Jul 2023, at 18:18, Carsten Bormann <cabo@xxxxxxx> wrote:
IMHO that particular engineering tradeoff was roughly right for Europe (with different medical models, repeat boosters and hence structures). Not in the least as a DGC contains multiple entries. Also keeping in mind here that the need to use BaseXX-anything was that most Qr libraries where too buggy to be able to handle the Qr modes that are 8bit safe.
That said -- IF (and only IF) you are willing to accept that QRs do not get overly big (i.e. barely kBytes) one can reclaim that extra half bit/10%. And if you are doing (like the Dutch) a full blown zero knowledge proof - that 10% can be meaningful enough to help. And another tidbit found in DGC implementing -- most libraries, even on modest phones, can decode a multi kByte QR fast enough to play sequences of them as movies & get very reasonable and quite robust bandwidth that way. Dw |