Hello, Built with input from the IETF community, we now have an initial approach and tools for calculating the IETF’s carbon footprint and a strategy for carbon offsetting. For 2023, we will implement this approach with data already available and seek to further improve it for future years. A blog post provides additional information and a link to a full report is at: http://www.ietf.org/blog/towards-a-net-zero-ietf-next-steps/ We hope to explore options for improving carbon footprint calculations and to gather additional information about the community’s preferences for carbon offsetting during a side meeting during the upcoming IETF 116 meeting: Pacifico North Room G301 8:30 JST on 30 March 2023 (23:30 UTC on 29 March) https://ietf.zoom.us/j/86826219211?pwd=QjhvdkY5YmxIWi9YeE9iMzFReFh3dz09 Meeting ID: 868 2621 9211 Passcode: ietfco2 Details are also available on the IETF 116 side meeting wiki: https://wiki.ietf.org/meeting/116/sidemeetings Further discussion is also encouraged on admin-discuss@xxxxxxxx mailing list (and reply-to for this email has been set to that list). Please feel free to contact me directly if I can provide additional information. -Greg – Greg Wood Director of Communications and Operations IETF Administration LLC ghwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx