Re: [Last-Call] Last Call: BCP 83 PR-Action Against Dan Harkins

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Hi Kjetil,

On 06.10.22 at 17:17 Kjetil Torgrim Homme wrote:
On Thu, 2022-10-06 at 16:51 +0200, Bless, Roland (TM) wrote:
First of all, expressing racism is not the same thing as expressing an
"unpopular opinion". Racism is simply not tolerable and I see that the
leadership has an obligation to act upon that, therefore it is not about
suppressing opinions that IETF leadership does not like.


Second, even if
we leave racism aside, it is clear from Dan's postings that he is
discriminating against people of groups that the IETF should not
exclude (and human dignity is non-negotiable).

Can you give me any examples of this?  So far no one has been able to
provide links to messages where Dan has expressed racist or
discriminatory views, so I would be very interested to see.

For example, here:

He is ridiculing and humiliating groups by stating that "Where identity
groups can compound their power with the intersection of their venn
diagram of group identity. A trans black activist would have more
"authenticity", more ability to shout down Dave Chappelle than a white
trans activist and both of them would have more power than some cis
white male trying to shout down Dave Chappelle."..."The goal is to be in
as many identity groups as possible. They highlight their group identity
intersection because it _increases_ their place on the hierarchy!"

Embracing diversity and inclusion of group members is obviously about
participation and respect and not about increasing their power over
others and people do not/cannot change their identities or orientations
in order to to that.

His ridiculing and
belittling postings show a clear lack of respect for individuals of
these groups and it is unprofessional if the community repeatedly
requested to stop that behavior, but he nevertheless still continues.

It seems to me Dan Harkins does not always suffer fools lightly (I hope
that is the correct idiom), but he doesn't discriminate against
"individuals of groups", but against "individuals".

Sorry, I do not understand what you are trying to say.


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