On 10/2/22 19:02, Eric Rescorla wrote:
Not that it actually changes the situation, but as it happens, the
mini-rant in question arguably misrepresents, the tweet, whichreads:
.@MaraGay "Masking remains an act of solidarity & respect for
vulnerable people, that includes people w/ disabilities, w/ chronic
conditions like asthma, as well as for hard-hit communities like
native & black communities especially, Hispanic communities"
In the email you are referring to, this was characterized as:
Well the other thing to keep in mind about masking is that "it remains an
act of solidarity & respect" for... BIPOC (natch).
I don't think it's really necessary to unpack this, but suffice
to say, this doesn't seem like a particularly good-faith reading
of the tweet in question (whether you agree with said tweet or
Oh, *that's* what Adam was talking about. (thanks for
For what it's worth, I disagree with Dan about the merits of
masking, and I think masks one of the few cheap, reliable, and
effective countermeasures against COVID that we still have, at
least in the US (given that neither the safety nor efficacy of
booster vaccines that are currently available in the US has been
empirically established.).
It's silly to call something virtue signaling if it's actually a
I'm not offended if Dan sees it that way. The COVID situation
has become so confusing that I'm not surprised at the wide variety
of opinions on the subject. I draw the line, however, at
spreading misinformation that can harm people.
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