Hi Keith, > On Aug 25, 2022, at 10:09, Keith Moore <moore@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > (i.e. it's an implied threat that if someone in power doesn't like your work for arbitrary reasons, they'll not only render your recent work useless but likely ruin your professional status and career. and you're supposed to accept that without question, or much effective recourse, even though it's pretty clear that the approach is an invitation to abuse. why do people think that's even remotely acceptable? it's not.) it’s completely unacceptable to keep making claims that our organizational code of conduct and the resulting — community-originated and community-run! — moderation procedures have been or are being used to suppress technical opinions or contributions, or that anyone “in power” is out to ruin people’s careers or reputation. If you believe this has happened or is happening, then please provide some pointers for me or - if you distrust me and or the current IESG - a recall committee, so that the community can take corrective action if warranted. Thanks, Lars