On 10/21/2021 12:23 PM, tom petch wrote:
On 20/10/2021 21:43, Adrian Farrel wrote:
*Guidance* to NomCom along these lines would be a fine idea
If only we had some way of telling NomCom how we feel about
candidates and appointments.
Mmmm as I have just received an e-mail on a public IETF list inviting
me to tell NomCom how I feel about candidates, I am puzzled by this
statement. If it were ironic or a joke, I would expect to see one of
those emoti thingies around that statement but I cannot see one which
makes me think that the statement is intended to be taken seriously.
Mmmm ... I am puzzled.
IF you can't parse good understated British humor - what good are you?
Seriously, emojis are somewhat overdone and Adrian's comment was pretty
much an in-joke for anyone who has ever a) been a nomcom member, b) been
a candidate, c) been in any leadership position of the IETF, d) been
around for 3 years or more, e) suffered through similar discussions on
this list multiple times. E.g. pretty much everyone.
Amused - Mike