I've gotta stop chiming in, but ...
On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 11:11 AM Michael Richardson <mcr+ietf@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
As I've said repeatedly, if you want to know who are eligible to become ADs, the list
is here:
The current working group chairs do make up a good set of likely suspects, but taking a quick look at https://datatracker.ietf.org/nomcom/2021/expertise/ for any of the AD positions and opening up the "General IESG Requirements (click to expand)" tab, we see that "eligible" isn't quite the right word, because the desired expertise says things like
It is very helpful for an IESG member to have a good working knowledge of the IETF document process as well as WG creation and chartering process. This knowledge is most likely to be found in experienced WG Chairs, but may also be found in authors of multiple documents.
You don't have to be a current (or recent) working group chair, to be considered for an AD position. It's just that WG chair experience can help prepare you to serve. It would be helpful for people to take a good look at the desired expertise, and think about who they can imagine providing a significant chunk of that expertise, no matter what the person's background is.
And the reason that's helpful, is that if Nomcom doesn't have good nominees to consider, they can't kidnap unwilling nominees and forward them for confirmation. They forward the "least worst" nominees as candidates for confirmation - and we should note the subtle difference between "best" nominees and "least worst" nominees.
Seriously, we do need to give Noncoms good nominees so they have something to work with!