To amplify Michael's point and respond to a couple of others...
1) These are draft notes. They are likely to be wrong. If we archive
them, we may be archiving information that is false to fact. That is
why chairs / WG Secretaries review minutes before posting, and then ask
the WG to review them as well. We should not expect the leadership to
maintain two sets of accurate minutes. So getting rid of the draft is good.
2) If folks want to use the tools for something else, great. But that
does not create an obligation on the IETF to make the tool behave
differently. If there is some other use case that is needed, either use
some other tool, or convince the IETF that we need a tool to support the
use case you have.
On 9/16/2021 3:50 PM, Michael Richardson wrote:
Christian Huitema <huitema@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The IETF already archives mail messages and Internet drafts. How hard
> would it be to archive notes and minutes? After all, this texts are
> part of the standard making process, covered by the Note Well, etc.
Sure, just upload them as minutes to the DT, and it gets archived already.
For now, WG chairs need to do that, which also means that they have an
opportunity to review the conent.
A significant annoyance is that we don't have a standard markdown across all our
content archives.