Section 5.6, 3rd paragraph after bullets: I do not understand the
second MUST statement in this paragraph. The sentence seems to contain
a mix of defining the superset and a MUST statement. I cannot suggest
a rewording.
Yes, the original sentence mixed a definition and a MUST statement. To make it easy to read,
we would like to propose the following change to separate the definition and the MUST statement:
The returned CDNI Advertisement resource MUST contain only
BaseAdvertisementObject objects whose CDNI capability object is the
superset of one of CDNI capability object in "cdni-fci-capabilities".
Specifically, that a CDNI capability object A is the superset of
another CDNI capability object B means that these two CDNI capability
objects have the same capability type and mandatory properties in
capability value of A MUST include mandatory properties in capability
value of B semantically. See Section 5.7.2 for a concrete example.
The returned filtered CDNI Advertisement resource MUST contain all the
BaseAdvertisementObject objects satisfying the following condition: The
CDNI capability object of each included BaseAdvertisementObject object
MUST follow two constraints:
o The "cdni-capabilities" field of the input includes a CDNI capability object
X having the same capability type as it.
o All the mandatory properties in its capability value is a superset of
mandatory properties in capability value of X semantically.
See Section 5.7.2 for a concrete example.