On 6/7/21 11:31 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
Slashdot has a rather less respectful audience yet their karma system
produces vastly better results. But the biggest takeaway for me is
that one size fits all does not work for curation or moderation.
Indeed, different communities have different standards for behavior, and
necessarily so. I've seen newcomers to a community struggle to fit in,
only slowly realizing that the jokes that are well-received elsewhere
are not considered appropriate in their new setting, and slowly grasping
the new boundaries. But the idea that there is or should be one
universal standard for speech strikes me as ridiculous. A subject that
is taboo in one setting almost inherently is in need of examination
somewhere. (note that I did say "almost")
We have known that content inspection is a failing strategy for spam
filtering for over 15 years, why apply it to enforce automatic bans on
Indeed, part of the problem with that strategy is that it assumes that
one size fits all.