On Sat, Apr 10, 2021 at 12:59:34PM -0700, Michael Thomas wrote: > Yeah, I was trying to verify whether google, amazon and facebook sign > but it appears not? my dig fu is admittedly bad so I might be full of it > (hopefully). The largest US-based Internet companies have not yet signed their DNS zones. The DNSSEC-signed domains among the top 500 Alexa-ranked sites are: europa.eu 53 nih.gov 62 paypal.com 81 cloudflare.com 91 chaturbate.com 115 cdc.gov 118 canva.com 158 stanford.edu 173 nasa.gov 198 force.com 201 time.com 208 salesforce.com 211 doi.org 235 foxnews.com 238 padlet.com 254 thestartmagazine.com 256 themeforest.net 258 debian.org 271 berkeley.edu 279 statcounter.com 285 addtoany.com 290 mediafire.com 309 taboola.com 313 ikea.com 321 loc.gov 331 pixabay.com 334 ietf.org 336 pki.goog 344 irs.gov 349 discord.com 354 fda.gov 375 avito.ru 385 hubspot.com 387 quizlet.com 392 whitehouse.gov 412 usda.gov 447 state.gov 448 epa.gov 489 noaa.gov 490 sciencedaily.com 491 -- Viktor.