On 1/6/21 4:58 AM, Keith Moore wrote:
On 1/6/21 2:56 AM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
The good thing is that there is no real problem here. In most working
groups a limited number of people actively participate. Those people
know how to contribute. For those who just browse through groups from
time to time it got more difficult to see where the center of
attention currently is.
I would claim that what you describe *is* a real problem. IETF works
best when it benefits from a wide range of input, including
"cross-area" input and input from generalists. When working groups
consist of a small number of people who do whatever they want in their
narrow areas of concern, groups have a greater tendency to work at
cross-purposes with one another.
I disagree. Most of the time the soi-disant "generalilsts" are just
self-aggrandizing and like to hear themselves speak. I remember when we
were creating the DKIM working group we had a whole bunch of them and
their "input" ended up contributing nothing at all other than delay.