Since you mention feedback via a form below, I wanted to note that people may wish to join next week's IETF LLC board call and ask questions during the open session (I usually ask during Any Other Business / AOB). See for the Webex link -- 12 November at 20:00 UTC. As a side note, it is quite rare that more than 1 or 2 observers attend and I can't recall the last time anyone asked a question during AOB. Regards Jason On 11/4/20, 3:30 PM, "ietf on behalf of Brian E Carpenter" <ietf-bounces@xxxxxxxx on behalf of brian.e.carpenter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: I've sent my thanks and appreciation privately to Henrik, so all I will say here, with Leif's message as a convenient hook, is this: Whatever we think about the past, the future is what matters. Everybody can influence that future by means of their inputs to NomCom. This year there are not only inputs for each individual candidate, but also for some major topics that NomCom should consider, for example:;!!CQl3mcHX2A!URvA5Nx79RsNl1fuZ_Rk2zbIKmi447FTe_gMAE-NMcR4-vWah1upX9mUJ3AltrOccy-N3Q$;!!CQl3mcHX2A!URvA5Nx79RsNl1fuZ_Rk2zbIKmi447FTe_gMAE-NMcR4-vWah1upX9mUJ3AltrMFa6Q8UA$ Regards Brian Carpenter