On 8/14/20 3:52 PM, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
You're quite right that "prominent" is poorly chosen; my apologies and thank you for noting it. I was attempting to use it as a shorthand to convey two parallel concerns: - if the people who think that their leaving is noteworthy are leaving, who else is leaving for the same reasons but not bothering to make an announcement? - if the experts on a given topic (the "people who wrote the book", if you will forgive the expression) are not in the room, how do we know that the right people have looked at a given topic/issue/question to ensure that the details of that topic have been fully considered? I do recognize that this last point bears significant similarity to your comment about "community members whose opinions are more important than others", but in this case I think my concerns can be characterized more as regarding the breadth of expertise available rather than giving particular enhanced weight to the opinions of some community members in the abstract. The first point serves to augment the concerns, of course.
I guess while we do not believe in kings, presidents, and voting we most definitely do have a nomenklatura. Dan. p.s. I think if you polled the lesser members of the IETF you'd find a few published authors-- i.e. "people who wrote the book."