Hi Nick,
>Did you try submitting a application which complied with the syntax
>specified in rfc3986?
I did!
My spec references section 2.2 of RFC3986. Here is the first sentence from the third paragraph "
A subset of the reserved characters (gen-delims) is used as delimiters of the generic URI components described in Section 3.
I mean, it just does not get any clearer than that!
On July 29, 2020 at 7:41 AM Nick Hilliard < nick@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Timothy Mcsweeney wrote on 28/07/2020 22:55:Murray, you're confused. I was speaking of the fact that when I askedyou how many people were involved in the decision you would not tellme. Then Alissa says the whole IESG discussed your appeal. You couldhave easily told me the same thing but didn't.Tim,
Did you try submitting a application which complied with the syntaxspecified in rfc3986?
Would this not be a productive way forward?