On 27 Jul 2020, at 9:22, Jared Mauch wrote:
On Jul 27, 2020, at 10:15 AM, Richard Barnes <rlb@xxxxxx> wrote:
While there has been a lot of progress since 107, it is clear from
the first couple of sessions that there are still a many rough edges
that are wasting a lot of WG time. We should take a serious look at
whether it's worth investing more in refining this tool, or whether a
more standard tool would be appropriate.
I disagree, there are often rough edges around the first time you use
any tool, some of this is PBCAK and some is UI, etc.
I have some suggestions to improve it, but the reality is this is a
huge improvement and seems to be working well.
FWIW: I agree with Jared here. There are UI issues and problems that
need to be (and I think can be) addressed (I'm making my own list), but
I think the overall design and performance of Meetecho are much better
suited to our uses than any of the other "standard" tools that I have
used. So I do think that it's worth investing more in refining this
Pete Resnick https://www.episteme.net/
All connections to the world are tenuous at best