I wanted to let everyone know that NomCom will be holding some office hours next week. If you want to stop by and talk with us (just to say Hi, ask about NomCom, ask about being a nominee for the various I* positions, etc.), we'd love to see and hear from you. The date and times (which are also posted on the IETF 108 Agenda) are: Monday, July 27, 16:00-17:00 UTC WebEx: https://ietf.webex.com/ietf/j.php?MTID=m13c41ae118e538b6d25efb25d41307ee Tuesday, July 28, 09:30-10:30 UTC WebEx: https://ietf.webex.com/ietf/j.php?MTID=m6132b48c3eac5469a41043ce55dada20 Thursday, July 30, 20:00-21:00 UTC WebEx: https://ietf.webex.com/ietf/j..php?MTID=mf7ce451931e35818fd7b3bf44abd1026 In addition to being available by WebEx, those of us who can will simultaneously be on Gather.Town (possibly in a special NomCom corner). To find us, the easiest way is to go to the Participants list (at right of the Gather screen), find "Barbara Stark", left click on my name and select "Locate". See you next week! Barbara