I think we can all agree that slavery is bad, right? So why should we even allude to it in technical documents? > > On Jul 23, 2020, at 11:09 PM, Masataka Ohta <mohta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > The IESG wrote: > >> [1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-knodel-terminology/ > > US centric view of the draft as if only blacks were slaves > is totally wrong only to make people in other part of the > world or with knowledge on world history upset or angry. > > For example, Christianity was banned in medieval Japan > because Christians exported many Japanese as slaves. > > For another example, in ancient Greece, many white people > were enslaved. > > As "slave" has long established meaning having nothing > to do especially with blacks in recent (that is, for > these 100 or 200 years) US, it is stupid to ban it. > > Or, should we avoid talking on ancient Greece, because > slavery was common? > > Masataka Ohta >